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How to Train an AI Chatbot with Your Company Data

Learn how to train an AI chatbot with your company data using Odin AI's Chatbot Builder. Improve customer service, efficiency, and engagement with personalized, 24/7 support. Discover the benefits of AI chatbot training, natural language processing, and more.

June 17, 2024

Ever felt frustrated waiting for a customer service response? What if your business could provide instant, accurate, and personalized answers to every inquiry? Welcome to the world of AI chatbots.

In the race to stay ahead, enterprises are turning to AI chatbot training to transform customer support, boost sales, and simplify operations. Effective bot training involves teaching team members how to train chatbots efficiently, often by involving the customer support team and utilizing pre-trained AI engines to speed up the process. These smart virtual assistants handle user queries, offer personalized recommendations, and are essential in modern business strategies.

Odin AI offers advanced chatbot development solutions that integrate seamlessly with your company’s data. Our chatbots understand complex customer interactions, deliver relevant responses, and continually improve through machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP). With Odin AI, you can create chatbots that meet and exceed your business needs.

This blog will guide you through the process of training an AI chatbot using your own data. We’ll cover essential steps to ensure your chatbot delivers an exceptional customer experience by leveraging your company’s unique knowledge and expertise.

Understanding AI Chatbots

What are AI Chatbots?

AI chatbots are intelligent virtual assistants designed to simulate human conversation and provide automated responses to user queries. These chatbots leverage natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to understand and manage customer interactions in a natural and engaging way. By analyzing input data and generating relevant responses, AI chatbots can handle a wide range of tasks, from answering common customer questions to assisting with more complex inquiries. The ability to train chatbots on custom data makes them highly adaptable to various business needs, enhancing their effectiveness and efficiency.

Recommended Reading
“What Is Conversational AI? Everything You Need to Know”

What It Means To Train An AI Chatbot?

Training AI chatbots involves feeding them large datasets that include examples of customer interactions, FAQs, and other relevant information. This process includes creating the underlying structure, algorithms, and architecture, known as the chatbot model, which is essential for fine-tuning, training, and evaluation to enhance its accuracy and responsiveness. This process enables chatbots to learn and improve over time, ensuring they provide accurate and personalized responses. By continuously updating the chatbot training data, businesses can ensure their chatbots remain up-to-date with the latest information and can handle new types of queries as they arise. This adaptability is crucial in maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Recommended Reading
“Create Custom Chatbots: A No Code Solution by Odin AI”

Key Benefits Of Using AI Chatbots In Customer Service, Sales, And Support

Customer Service Sales Support
24/7 Availability

Provide continuous support.

Lead Generation

Engage and qualify leads.

Technical Assistance

Instant troubleshooting support.

Reduced Wait Times

Handle multiple user queries simultaneously.

Personalized Recommendations 

Offer tailored product suggestions.

Ticket Management

Assist in creating and prioritizing support tickets.

Consistent Responses

Ensure accurate answers based on chatbot training data.

Customer Engagement

Initiate conversations and answer questions.

Knowledge Base Access

Quick solutions from the company’s knowledge base.

Cost Efficiency

Lower operational costs with fewer human agents.

Upselling and Cross-selling

Identify opportunities to enhance sales.

Feedback Collection

Gather user feedback for service improvement.

Multilingual Support

Provide support in multiple languages.

Sales Analytics

Collect data on interactions and trends.

System Integration

Seamless workflow with existing systems.

Note: The benefits and use cases of AI chatbots are not limited to Customer Service, Sales, and Support. They extend to many other industries, providing versatile and valuable solutions across various business functions, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction.

Let our chatbot handle that for you. Try it now!

Recommended Reading
“How AI Can Future-proof Your Contact Center”

Overview Of Odin AI's Chatbot Features And Advantages

Odin AI’s Chatbot Builder is a powerful, no-code solution that simplifies the creation and deployment of intelligent virtual assistants. Designed to integrate seamlessly with your company’s data, this tool enables you to build custom chatbots that deliver personalized and accurate responses to user queries.

In the realm of chatbot development, Odin AI excels by offering a comprehensive platform for selecting, integrating, and scaling your chatbot solution, along with continuous refinement post-deployment.

With Odin AI, you can train AI chatbots using your unique data, ensuring they understand and interact with users effectively. Key features include:

  • Custom Knowledge Base
    Upload sitemaps, files, and URLs to personalize chatbot responses.


  • No-code Integration
     Easily set up and deploy chatbots without coding.


  • Multilingual Support
     Reach a global audience with support for up to 30 languages.


  • Omnichannel Chats
     Seamlessly communicate across various platforms like WhatsApp, Slack, and more.


  • Instant Answers from Multiple Sources
     Combine data from sources like Files and Zendesk for informed responses.


  • Customization
    Tailor chatbot names, colors, welcome messages, and more to align with your brand.

By leveraging these capabilities, businesses can enhance customer service, streamline operations, and drive engagement.
Odin AI’s Chatbot Builder is ideal for companies looking to harness the power of AI chatbot training to meet their specific business needs and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

For more details, visit the Odin AI Chatbot Builder page.

Why Train an AI Chatbot with Your Company Data?

Training AI chatbots with your company data is a smart move for any business. Let’s break down why this matters with some eye-opening stats.

62% Prefer Chatbots Over Waiting for Humans

A whopping 62% of consumers would rather chat with a bot than wait 15 minutes for a human response. Training your chatbot with your own data ensures it gives relevant responses, making interactions smooth and efficient.

90% of Queries Resolved in 10 Messages or Fewer

Chatbots trained on company-specific data can handle and resolve up to 90% of customer queries within just 10 messages. This means quicker resolutions and happier customers, without overloading your support team.

53% Find Waiting for Replies Frustrating

More than half of customers find waiting for replies the most frustrating part of customer service (Tidio). By training AI chatbots with your own data, you can drastically cut down on wait times, providing instant, accurate answers that keep customers satisfied.

Personalized Responses Boost Engagement by 50%

Personalized interactions are key, with businesses seeing up to a 50% boost in customer engagement when responses are tailored to the user’s needs. When your chatbot is trained with your specific data, it can deliver responses that are spot-on, reflecting your brand’s unique voice and knowledge. This makes customers feel valued and engaged.

24/7 Availability Increases Satisfaction by 70%

Your AI chatbot is always on, providing round-the-clock support, which can increase customer satisfaction by up to 70%. This constant availability ensures that customers get help whenever they need it, improving their overall experience and loyalty to your brand.

Integrating your unique company data into AI chatbot training ensures that your chatbot is not just a generic assistant but a tailored extension of your brand. Monitoring user interactions and gathering user feedback to assess the chatbot’s performance is crucial for making necessary adjustments to enhance its capabilities. This leads to better customer satisfaction, increased efficiency, and ultimately, a stronger business.

Instant support at your fingertips. Chat with us!

Recommended Reading
“How Odin AI is Changing the Customer Service Dynamics of Call Center Operations?”

Preparing Your Data for Training

Getting your data ready for AI chatbot training is a crucial step to ensure your chatbot delivers accurate and personalized responses. Here’s how to do it casually and effectively.

Identifying The Types of Data Needed

Data Type Specific Kind of Data
Customer Interactions

- Transcripts of past conversations with customers
- Chat logs
- Email exchanges
- Phone call recordings
- Live chat session records


- Frequently asked questions and their answers
- Common troubleshooting steps
- Company policies and procedures

Product Information

- Detailed descriptions of products or services
- Features and specifications
- User manuals and guides
- Pricing information
- Warranty and return policies

User Queries

- Examples of typical questions users ask
- Both common and complex inquiries
- Customer intent data
- Search queries from your website

Knowledge Base Articles

- Reviews
- Survey responses
- Feedback forms
- Net Promoter Score (NPS) data
- Customer satisfaction scores

Support Tickets

- Historical support tickets showing recurring issues and resolutions
- Ticket resolution notes
- Agent comments and interactions

Social Media Interactions

- Posts, comments, and messages from social media platforms
- Social media engagement metrics
- Sentiment analysis from social media interactions

Sales and Marketing Data

- Information from sales interactions
- Marketing data highlighting customer preferences and behaviors
- Campaign performance data
- Customer segmentation data

Using these data types, you can train your chatbot to understand and respond to a wide range of user queries, improving its ability to provide relevant responses and enhancing the overall customer experience. Gathering and organizing this data sets the stage for successful AI chatbot training, ensuring your chatbot is well-equipped to handle real-world interactions and deliver exceptional service.

Got questions? Our chatbot has answers

Ensuring Data Quality And Consistency

Ensuring data quality and consistency is essential when training your AI chatbot. Clean, organized, and consistent data helps in providing accurate and relevant responses to user queries. Neural networks are often used in training chatbots for tasks such as sentiment analysis and Named Entity Recognition (NER). Here’s how to ensure your data is up to the mark:

  • Clean Your Data:
    • Remove duplicates and irrelevant information.
    • Standardize formats for dates, times, and units.
    • Ensure all data entries are complete.

  • Organize Your Data:
    • Categorize data into relevant groups like customer interactions, FAQs, and product information.
    • Use consistent naming conventions for files and records.
    • Structure data in a way that makes it easily accessible for AI chatbot training.

  • Validate Data Accuracy:
    • Cross-check information with reliable sources.
    • Update outdated entries to reflect the latest information.
    • Verify data entries to eliminate errors.

  • Consistency Checks:
    • Ensure that similar data points are presented in a consistent manner.
    • Use the same terminology and language style across all data.
    • Regularly review and update data to maintain consistency.

  • Maintain Data Integrity:
    • Protect data from unauthorized access and alterations.
    • Use version control to manage changes and updates.
    • Regularly backup data to prevent loss.

Recommended Reading
“Empower Customer Support: How Odin AI’s Retrieval-Augmented Generation Revolutionizes Service Excellence”

Structuring and Formatting Data for Optimal Use

  • Categorize Your Data:
    • Group similar data together, like customer interactions, FAQs, and product information.
    • Create separate files or databases for different data types to keep things organized.

  • Standardize Data Formats:
    • Use consistent formats for dates, times, and numerical values.
    • Ensure text data follows a uniform style, such as using the same terminology and abbreviations.

  • Use Structured Data Formats:
    • Opt for structured formats like CSV, JSON, or XML for easy processing.
    • Ensure that each data entry follows the same structure, with clear labels for each field.

  • Tag and Annotate Data:
    • Add tags and annotations to your data to provide context and make it easier for the AI chatbot to understand.
    • Use tags to highlight important information, like product names, customer issues, and resolutions.

  • Ensure Data Completeness:
    • Check that all necessary fields are filled out in each data entry.
    • Avoid incomplete records, as they can confuse the chatbot training process.

  • Normalize Text Data:
    • Remove unnecessary punctuation and special characters.
    • Convert text to a consistent case, either all uppercase or lowercase, to avoid mismatches.

  • Clean and Filter Data:
    • Remove any irrelevant or outdated information.
    • Filter out noise and irrelevant details to focus on the most important data.
Recommended Reading
“Exploring the Difference Between Chatbots and Conversational AI”

Using these strategies, your chatbot can leverage natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to understand user queries better and improve over time. High-quality, well-structured data is key to unlocking the full potential of your AI chatbot.

Say hello to our AI assistant for instant help.

Steps to Conduct Chatbot Training for Odin AI's Chatbot with Your Company Data

Training an AI chatbot with your company’s data using Odin AI is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

Start by visiting Odin AI website and sign up for an account. > Click on “Create New Project” and give it a name of your choice 

Odin AI project dashboard showcasing options to create new projects, manage meetings, and view the onboarding project.
Odin AI login page with options to sign in with Google or email, showcasing the platform's secure and user-friendly access.

Step 1 Set Up The Knowledge Base With Your Company Details

First, head over to Odin AI’s Knowledge Base on the dashboard. This is where you’ll upload all your relevant data.

Odin AI's knowledge base dashboard showing options to crawl websites, add documents, and create new content for chatbot training and support.

Click “+ Add” button on the top right side corner. An “Add Resources” window will appear. 

Odin AI interface for adding resources to the knowledge base, allowing users to add URLs or upload files for chatbot training and support.
Feed All Your Information

Add URLs or Drag and Drop/ Upload a File datasets including customer interactions, FAQs, product information, user queries, and more. Ensuring this data is clean and well-structured is key to effective training.

Additional Things That You Can Do
  • You can also create a Document by clicking on “Create Document” on the top right side corner and add/edit information.
  • You can also connect your Google Drive, Microsoft Sharepoint and Confluence as your knowledge base.  How? Click on “settings icon” beside Crawl Website > Connectors.
Note: Knowledge Base Credit System

Odin offers a flexible credit-based system to allocate credits according to your time and needs. Each uploaded document or web link incurs a charge of 1 credit.

Step 2 Create Your Own Custom AI Agent

Next, use Odin’s Agent Creator to build your virtual agent.

Go to “Agents” in the side menu > Under the Custom Agents option Click on “+ Create Custom”.

Odin AI's agent management dashboard showing options to create custom agents and manage default agents like Google Search Agent, AI KB Agent, and more.

Odin's Agent Builder Options Explained

Odin AI's Agent Builder interface showing options to create custom agents, set personality, select AI model, and add resources like DALL-E 3 image generation and Shopify.

“Untitled Agent”
Enter a unique name for your agent. This helps in identifying it easily, especially if you plan to create multiple agents.

Define the personality traits of your agent. This could include its tone (e.g., professional, friendly, casual), style, and mannerisms. Make sure it aligns with your brand’s voice and customer expectations.

Functional Personality Sample

You can use this personality to run your chatbot. 

Research Assistant Personality

You’re a research assistant specializing in academic research across various fields. Your role involves efficiently categorizing, summarizing, and managing research articles and information. You are knowledgeable and up-to-date, providing accurate and relevant resources. 

You are organized and detail-oriented, ensuring all data is precise and well-structured. 

You communicate clearly and engagingly, simplifying complex ideas for easy understanding. 

You are always helpful and supportive, ready to assist with explanations and guidance. 

You encourage curiosity and exploration of diverse topics, fostering a collaborative environment. 

You are reliable and consistent, offering critical analysis and practical solutions to research challenges.

Note: You can also customize this personality as per your needs and requirements.

“AI Model”
Select an AI model for your agent.

Default Options include GPT 3.5 Open AI, Gemini Pro, Google AI, Mixtral 8x7b, Groq, Claude 3 Haiku, Anthropic, GPT 4 Turbo Open AI, GPT 4 Open AI – 10 Credits, GPT-4o Open AI, Claude 2 Anthropic , Claude 3 Sonnet Anthropic, Claude 3 Opus Anthropic. 

CustomCreate Custom AI Model: Customize your own AI model to better suit specific needs. 

Recommended Reading
“OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4o Integration with Odin AI: Exploring the Latest AI Advancements”

“Knowledge Base”
Choose the knowledge base for your agent. This should include all relevant resources like websites and documents. The AI will use this data to respond to queries and execute rules.

Include all resources in knowledge base
When responding to queries or executing rules, AI will automatically access all websites and documents from your Knowledge Base by default.

Use Advanced Chain of Thought (Beta)
Enable this to use Odin’s new algorithm that improves the reasoning behind the answers provided.

Use Chat-Specific Knowledge Base (Beta)
Enable this to include only documents uploaded to the chat and chat history (if long-term memory is enabled) in the AI’s vector search.

Use Google Search Results
Enable this to allow the AI to automatically use Google search results when responding to queries or executing rules.

Strict Context
Enable this to ensure the AI checks its answers for validity against its knowledge base, improving relevance but limiting answers beyond the available information.

Additional Rules for Filtering Answers
Set rules to filter answers based on their relevance to the knowledge base and specify what to do when the AI fails to find an answer.

Translate Queries
Enable this if you need to communicate with the AI in a different language than the content in your knowledge base. It costs 1 credit and improves the quality of knowledge base searches.

Query Language
Language: Select “English” or the language you intend to use.

Use Fine Tuned Search
Enable this to store queries and responses in a cache. This helps in improving response times and accuracy by using past interactions.

Filter Links
Ensure that all links in responses originate from within the knowledge base documents or specified URLs.

Generate Inline Citations
Enable this to ensure the AI generates inline citations, maintaining accuracy and proper formatting of references.

Additional Projects
Select any additional projects you want the AI to use when searching for answers.

KB Search Results to Consider
Define the number of potential results from the knowledge base to consider when answering a query. Increasing this number can improve source diversity but may introduce irrelevant information. Decreasing it will focus on fewer, more relevant sources.

KB Search Result Score Threshold
Set an optional score threshold for the knowledge base search results. Higher scores indicate more relevant information, but setting this too high may limit the number of sources returned.

By carefully filling in these options, you can effectively train your AI chatbot using Odin AI, ensuring it meets your business needs and delivers exceptional service.

Additional Items to Configure in Odin’s Agent Builder

Apart from the basic settings, you can also “Add” a few advanced options to further enhance your Odin AI agents.

“Enhanced Search Rules”
Define specific rules to improve the search capabilities of your AI. These rules help in filtering and prioritizing search results to ensure the most relevant information is retrieved.

Translate Queries
If you intend to communicate with Odin in a language other than the content language in your knowledge base, enable this option. It will translate queries, improving the quality of the knowledge base search and ensuring accurate responses.

“DALL-E 3 Image Generation”
The DALL-E 3 block is a powerful addition to Odin agents, providing enhanced capabilities for image generation and understanding. With DALL-E 3, Odin agents can create highly realistic and detailed images based on textual prompts, allowing for more creative and visually appealing content. This advanced technology leverages deep learning algorithms and large-scale training datasets to generate images that are both accurate and visually stunning.

“Shopify Connection”
Integrate Odin with your Shopify store to enhance e-commerce capabilities.

Odin AI interface for creating a new connection with Shopify, including fields for shop name and API access token.
  • Name: Enter a descriptive name for the connection.
  • Shop Name (Shopify Domain Name): Provide your Shopify store’s domain name (e.g.,
  • Your Shop API Access Token: Input your Shopify API access token to enable the connection.

Install Odin in Your Shopify Store
Sign in with your shopify account enabling seamless integration and enhanced functionality.

“User Identification”
Enable user identification to allow Odin agents to recognize and interact with individual users based on their unique characteristics and preferences. This feature is essential for personalizing interactions and improving the overall user experience.

Define a set of instructions that tell Odin how to use information extracted by an agent. These rules help Odin communicate and automate effectively.

“Information to Extract”

Interface for adding information to extract in Odin AI's agent builder, including fields for information, description, default input, and a required checkbox.

Specify the types of information that Odin should extract from interactions. This could include customer details, product preferences, or specific query types. Define clear rules to guide this extraction process, ensuring that Odin can use the information accurately and efficiently.

Final Step “Save Agent’

By configuring these options, you can significantly enhance the capabilities and performance of your Odin AI agents, making them more effective in meeting your business needs and improving user interactions.

Step 3 Start Building Your Chatbot

After setting up your agent, navigate to Odin’s Chatbot Builder to create the actual chatbot.

Go to “Public Tools” in the side menu > Public Chatbot

Odin's Chatbot Builder interface showing options to add information to extract, including fields for information, description, default input, and a required checkbox.

Customize your ChatBot’s Appearance by filling in the details.
Creating AI chatbots is accessible to everyone, even those without technical knowledge, thanks to no-code platforms.

Chatbot Configuration and Customization Settings for Custom AI Chatbots

This section is used to define the core functionality and interactions that influence the chatbot’s behavior and appearance.

“Chatbot Name”
Enter chatbot name: This is the name your users will see when interacting with your chatbot. It should be descriptive and align with your brand or the chatbot’s purpose. Example: Custom AI Chatbot.

“Welcome Message”
👋 Hi! I am ODIN AI, your personal assistant. How can I help you?: This is the initial message your chatbot will display to users. It sets the tone for the conversation and can be customized to make a positive first impression. Use welcoming and engaging language to increase user engagement.

“Input Placeholder Text”
Ask ODIN anything: This text appears in the input field before the user starts typing. It prompts users with an example or suggestion of what they can ask the chatbot. This helps guide users on how to interact with the customized chatbot.

What is ODIN?: These are pre-defined suggestions or frequently asked questions that users can click on to get quick responses. Each suggestion should be entered on a new line to provide users with multiple options. Examples could include queries like “How does Visual Chatbot Builder work?” or “Can I create AI chatbots?”

“Default Agent”
Change Odin KB Agent: This sets the primary knowledge base agent for handling user inquiries. This agent should be equipped with the necessary information to answer a wide range of questions, leveraging advanced AI capabilities.

To access KB,
Dashboard > Knowledge Base > + Add/ Create Document

You are a helpful assistant with access to a knowledge base to answer user’s questions.: This description helps define the agent’s role and capabilities, emphasizing its function as an AI-powered chatbot.

“Multiple Chats”
Enable multiple chats: This option allows the chatbot to handle multiple conversations simultaneously, improving user experience during busy periods by enabling a no-code chatbot builder to manage multiple languages and queries.

“Display Sources”
Display Sources: This setting enables the chatbot to show the sources of information provided in responses, adding transparency and credibility to the answers, enhancing customer satisfaction.

Font Size (px): 15: Sets the font size for the chatbot’s text, ensuring readability for users. Adjust this to improve the chatbot experience.

Message Bubble Color: This allows customization of the message bubble’s color to match your brand’s aesthetic or improve visual appeal, making your custom AI chatbot visually engaging.

Display Welcome message above toggle icon (Delay in seconds): -1: Controls whether the welcome message is shown above the toggle icon. Setting it to -1 disables the auto-show feature, allowing for personalized chatbots to greet users without being intrusive.

Toggle Color: This setting allows you to change the color of the toggle button that users click to start a chat with the bot, enhancing the overall look of your chatbot platform.

“Reset to default”
Resets all settings to their default values.

“Save Changes”
Save Changes: Once all settings are configured, use this option to save your changes and apply them to the chatbot, ensuring all aspects of your chatbot builder are effectively utilized.

Also, You can only use Odin’s Chatbot when your project is public.

If your project is NOT public, you can’t use the chatbot on your website. You will get a warning sign if it happens. Here’s how it will look.

Odin AI interface showing a warning that the project is not public, with chatbot preview

How To Make Your Project Public?

To make your project public and use the chatbot on your website, go to the settings > click on the “make project public” button. Now you can use the chatbot on your website. The below-mentioned is the image of ‘project setting’ for your reference.

Odin AI interface showing project type set to support

How To Make Your Project Public?

To make your project public and use the chatbot on your website, go to the settings > click on the “make project public” button. Now you can use the chatbot on your website. The below-mentioned is the image of ‘project setting’ for your reference.

Step 4 Test It Out with Odin’s Conversational AI

Finally, test your chatbot using Odin’s Conversational AI.

Go to “Chat” in the side menu.

Odin AI conversational AI interface showing chat, actions, assistant, agents, knowledge base, documents, automator, and public tools options.

Integrate the AI Agent you created by clicking on the agent’s name highlighted in blue under “+ Send Message”

Odin AI interface displaying custom and default agents, including options for creating a custom agent, chatbot agent, AI Google Search Agent, AI KB Agent, AI Simple Agent, AI Image Generation Agent, AI KB V2 Agent, and AI Classification Agent.

Hover over your custom agent’s box and click on “Select” highlighted. Go back to chats and you’ll see your custom agent is set as the default agent with your AI model.

Testing and Validation
Ask different questions by typing/verbally in the “+ Send Message” box. Run your chatbot through various scenarios to ensure it provides relevant responses and meets user expectations. Gather feedback from real users and make adjustments as needed to improve its performance.

Step 5 Integrate Your Custom Chatbot To Your Website

Go to Public Tools > Public Chatbot > Integrations (right beside appearance)

Odin AI interface showing how to embed a chatbot on a website, with HTML code snippets and a chatbot preview.

Embed on Website
To add the custom AI chatbot anywhere on your website, incorporate the following HTML code. This code snippet allows you to place the chatbot div tag anywhere on your site and style it according to your preferences.

To know more in detail, check out our technical guide

<div id=”odin-chatbot”></div>
  window.project_id = “17zpUk6san7rh4lJsR08”;
 window.frame_type = “window”;</script><script  src=””  project_id=”17zpUk6san7rh4lJsR08″

This script will create a chatbot widget in a new window format, enhancing your site with AI-powered chatbots that can handle customer inquiries seamlessly.

To add a chat bubble to the bottom right of your website, use this script tag in your HTML. This is ideal for providing instant support and boosting user engagement.

Check out our Framework Guide

 window.project_id = “17zpUk6san7rh4lJsR08”;
window.frame_type = “widget”;
src=””  project_id=”17zpUk6san7rh4lJsR08″

This integration places a chat bubble at the bottom right of your site, allowing users to interact with the customized chatbot easily.

Add to Slack
Enhance your Slack workspace by integrating the custom AI chatbot. Click the button below to add the chatbot to your Slack channels, facilitating better customer support and team communication. 

This integration ensures that your team can leverage AI chatbots for businesses directly within Slack, streamlining support and internal communications.

Add to Google Chat
You can also add the custom AI chatbot to your Google Chat workspace. Simply click the button below to integrate the chatbot, providing real-time support and automated assistance within your Google Chat environment.

This addition helps in managing customer queries and internal requests efficiently using AI-powered chatbots, enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

And that’s how you train an AI Chatbot with your Company Data. Enjoy exploring.

Engage with our AI for a better experience

Benefits of Building a Chatbot for Your Company with Odin's Chatbot Builder

Creating a chatbot with Odin AI’s Chatbot Builder using your company data offers numerous advantages that can significantly enhance your business operations and customer interactions. Here are the key benefits:

Personalized Customer Experience

By training your chatbot with your company data, you can ensure that it provides responses that are tailored to your specific products, services, and brand voice. This personalization leads to a more engaging and satisfying customer experience. According to a Tidio survey, 62% of consumers prefer chatbots for their immediate responses, especially when personalized.

Improved Efficiency and Cost Savings

AI chatbots can handle a large volume of user queries simultaneously, which significantly reduces the workload on your human support team. This efficiency not only speeds up response times but also leads to substantial cost savings. A study by Zendesk found that businesses could save up to 30% on customer service costs by implementing chatbots.

Provide 24/7 Support

Your chatbot is available around the clock, providing instant support to customers at any time. This 24/7 availability ensures that customers receive timely assistance, improving their overall experience and increasing their satisfaction levels.

Ensure Consistent and Accurate Responses

Using Odin AI’s Chatbot Builder ensures that your chatbot delivers consistent and accurate responses by leveraging your company’s knowledge base. This consistency is crucial for maintaining a high level of trust and reliability in customer interactions.

Gain Valuable Data Insights

Implementing a chatbot allows you to collect and analyze a wealth of data from customer interactions. These insights can help you understand customer behavior, preferences, and pain points, enabling you to refine your strategies and improve your products and services. According to Bloomreach, AI chatbots provide valuable data that businesses can use to enhance their marketing and sales efforts.

Scale Effortlessly with Your Business

As your business grows, so does the demand for customer support. Chatbots can easily scale to handle increased traffic without compromising performance, ensuring that all customers receive prompt and efficient service.

Increase Engagement and Sales

Chatbots can engage with customers proactively, guiding them through the sales funnel, providing product recommendations, and answering questions. This proactive engagement can lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales. Research from Business Insider indicates that chatbots can boost sales conversions by up to 70% in some industries.

Don’t wait for tomorrow and let your customers wait! Start building your chatbot today and see the difference it makes. Give them the immediate support they deserve with an AI chatbot that understands and responds to their needs instantly.

Act now!

Have more questions?

Contact our sales team to learn more about how Odin AI can benefit your business.


Absolutely! Training a chatbot with your own data ensures it is tailored to your specific business needs, improving accuracy and customer satisfaction.

Yes, you can train a chatbot specifically for your business to handle customer interactions, provide support, and even assist in sales, making your operations more efficient.

To make a chatbot that learns, you need to use machine learning algorithms and continuously feed it training data from real interactions. This helps the chatbot improve its responses over time.

To train a chatbot on your own data, gather all relevant data such as customer interactions, FAQs, and product information. Then, use a platform like Odin AI’s Chatbot Builder to upload and process this data, creating a tailored chatbot that meets your business needs.

Prepare various types of data including customer interactions, FAQs, product information, user queries, knowledge base articles, customer feedback, support tickets, social media interactions, and sales and marketing data. This comprehensive data set helps in creating a well-rounded chatbot.

  1. Go to Odin’s Knowledge Base: Upload all relevant data.
  2. Create an Agent with Odin’s Agent Creator: Define the personality and tone of your agent.
  3. Go to Odin’s Chatbot Builder: Create your chatbot and customize it.
  4. Test It Out with Odin’s Conversational AI: Run various scenarios to ensure effectiveness.

Natural language processing (NLP) enables chatbots to understand and interpret human language, allowing them to respond accurately to user queries. NLP is crucial for creating conversational and intuitive interactions, making chatbots more effective and user-friendly.

Yes, you can select from various AI models (e.g., GPT 3.5, GPT 4, GPT 4o, Claude 3) or create a custom AI model. Choosing the right model depends on your specific requirements and the capabilities needed for your chatbot.

AI chatbots are programmed to operate around the clock, offering instant support to customers at any time. This continuous availability ensures that customer queries are addressed promptly, improving overall satisfaction and reducing wait times.

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