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How Invoice Processing Automation Can Save Your Business Time

How Invoice Processing Automation Can Save Your Business Time

Save time and reduce errors with Odin AI’s invoice processing automation. Contact us to transform your billing today!

Arjun Angisetty AI in Business | Arjun Angisetty
September 2, 2024
Odin AI Invoice Validator interface showing an example of an automated invoice with details and due date.

Manual invoice processing is often a time-consuming and error-prone task that creates bottlenecks in the invoice verification process and delays timely payment processing. The heavy reliance on manual data entry increases the risk of invoice discrepancies and impacts operational efficiency, cash flow, and the overall accounting system. The accounts payable department plays a crucial role in managing manual invoice processing, including verifying vendor invoices and ensuring compliance with financial policies.

Handling paper invoices manually leads to costly errors and tedious tasks that can cause significant financial discrepancies. The variety of invoice formats and the complexity of incoming invoices further complicate the invoice checking process, making accuracy and consistency challenging.

Odin AI’s Invoice Processing Automation offers a transformative solution by streamlining the entire invoice processing workflow. Utilizing machine learning and optical character recognition, this system reduces errors, speeds up the approval process, and improves the accounts payable workflow. This automated invoice processing leads to greater cost savings, enhanced regulatory compliance, and a more efficient invoice verification and payment processing system. Additionally, automated invoice processing software enhances the efficiency of accounts payable departments by improving accuracy, reducing costs, and enabling remote management of financial operations.

Ready to save time on invoicing? Let’s chat!

Recommended Reading
“Odin AI Task Automator Guide: Simplifying Multi AI Agent Workflows”

The Importance of Time in Business Operations

Time is one of the most valuable resources in any business operation, directly influencing productivity, profitability, and overall business growth. Efficient use of time allows companies to optimize their processes, respond quickly to market demands, and maintain a competitive edge. However, when time is lost to tedious tasks like manual data entry and invoice validation, it hampers the organization’s ability to achieve its full potential.

Category Manual Process Time Automated Process Time Time Saved

Average Time to Process an Invoice

20 minutes

4 minutes

66% Reduction

Invoice Verification Process

8 minutes

2.5 minutes

68% Reduction

Approval Process for High-Volume Invoices

24 hours

8 hours

67% Time Efficiency

Data Entry for Complex Invoices

35 minutes

3 minutes

70% Faster Processing

Overall Invoice Processing Cycle

7 days

4 days

71% Faster Completion

Vendor Follow-Up Time

6 hours/week

1.5 hours/week

75% Time Saving

10 Ways Odin AI’s Invoice Processing Automation Can Save Your Business Time

#1 Automated Data Extraction

Odin AI transforms the invoice processing cycle by fully automating the extraction of critical invoice data from incoming invoices. Traditionally, billing teams spend countless hours manually entering data—a process that is not only labor-intensive but also prone to errors. Studies indicate that manual data entry can result in error rates as high as 5%, leading to significant delays and costly corrections. Odin AI’s AI-powered invoice processing utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to achieve a 98% accuracy rate in AI invoice data capture. The system automatically captures and organizes data from various invoice formats, extracting key details like invoice numbers, payment terms, line items, and total amounts during e-invoice processing.


Odin AI slashes invoice processing time by up to 85%, cutting down from 4-6 hours per invoice to just 10-15 seconds. This acceleration:

  • Reduces invoice discrepancies by up to 20%.
  • Boosts processing capacity by up to 10x without additional resources.
  • Enhances overall productivity and ensures timely payment processing.
Odin AI interface demonstrating automated invoice data capture and validation, highlighting purchase order details such as number, date, buyer name, contact name, due date, delivery address, billing address, total amount, and currency.

#2 Seamless Integration with Existing Systems

Odin AI offers seamless integration with your existing accounting software and ERP systems, eliminating the need for manual data transfer between platforms. In traditional setups, the lack of integration can lead to significant delays, with businesses spending an average of 15-25% more time on invoice processing due to the need for manual synchronization of data. Odin AI automates this process, ensuring that all invoice data is instantly synchronized across your systems, maintaining consistency and accuracy without the need for manual intervention.


By integrating smoothly with existing systems, Odin AI reduces the time spent on data transfer and synchronization by up to 70%, allowing businesses to process invoices more quickly and efficiently. This integration:

  • Cuts down manual synchronization time by up to 23%.
  • Increases overall system efficiency by up to 47%.
  • Enables faster, more accurate invoice processing AI, boosting productivity across the board.

#3 Batch Processing of Invoices

With Odin AI, businesses can process multiple invoices simultaneously through batch processing, a feature that drastically reduces the time required to manage large volumes of incoming invoices. Traditionally, processing invoices one by one can be incredibly time-consuming, especially for companies handling thousands of invoices monthly. Studies show that manual processing can take up to 30 minutes per invoice. Odin AI streamlines this by enabling batch processing, allowing hundreds of invoices to be processed in parallel, reducing the time needed by up to 90%.


Batch processing with Odin AI significantly cuts down on the time required to handle large volumes of invoices, making it possible to process more than 1500 invoices in the time it would take to manually process just 50. This capability:

  • Reduces overall processing time by up to 89%.
  • Increases invoice handling capacity by up to 12x.
  • Enhances the efficiency of your accounts payable workflow, ensuring quicker payment processing and better cash flow management.

#4 Automated Approval Workflows

Odin AI enables businesses to set up automated approval workflows for invoice approvals based on pre-defined criteria, such as invoice amount, vendor, or department. Automated approval workflows also ensure timely invoice payment, which is crucial for maintaining smooth cash flow. Traditionally, the approval process can be a major bottleneck, with invoices often stuck in the approval queue for days or even weeks. Studies indicate that manual approval processes can take anywhere from 3 to 10 days, depending on the complexity and the number of approvers involved. Odin AI streamlines this by automatically routing invoices through the approval chain, ensuring that the right stakeholders review and approve them promptly, without the need for constant manual follow-up.


By automating the invoice approval process, Odin AI reduces approval time by up to 85%, cutting down from several days to just a few hours. This automation:

  • Decreases bottlenecks in the approval process by up to 67%.
  • Reduces delays in payment processing by up to 44%.
  • Ensures a smoother, faster invoice approval automation workflow, allowing businesses to maintain better relationships with vendors and improve overall operational efficiency.
Odin's Invoice processing automation

#5 Instant Notifications and Alerts

Odin AI enhances the efficiency of your invoice processing cycle by sending instant notifications and alerts for pending approvals or discrepancies. In traditional settings, delays often occur because stakeholders are unaware of invoices awaiting their attention. On average, it can take up to 2-4 days for a manual follow-up to trigger action on pending invoices. Odin AI eliminates this lag by automatically notifying the relevant personnel the moment an invoice requires approval or when a discrepancy is detected. This real-time communication ensures that issues are addressed immediately, reducing the risk of delays.


With instant notifications and alerts, Odin AI reduces the time spent waiting for approvals or resolving discrepancies by up to 73%. This capability:

  • Speeds up issue resolution by up to 58%, ensuring that invoice discrepancies are quickly addressed.
  • Reduces overall payment processing delays by up to 42%.
  • Enhances the responsiveness of your accounts payable workflow, leading to quicker invoice approvals and improved cash flow management.
Screenshot of an email inbox showing the successful execution of the Invoice Validator Assistant by Odin AI.
Email containing an attached invoice document with details such as invoice number, due date, and payment instructions, showcasing Odin AI's invoice validation and automation process.

#6 Elimination of Manual Errors

Odin AI significantly reduces the risk of errors by minimizing manual input during the invoice processing cycle. Manual data entry and validation are common sources of errors, with studies showing that up to 7-12% of manually processed invoices contain mistakes. These errors can lead to delays in payment processing, as correcting them often requires additional time and resources. By automating the invoice verification process and utilizing electronic invoices, Odin AI ensures that data is captured accurately from the start, reducing the need for time-consuming corrections later on. Electronic invoices streamline processing compared to traditional paper invoices, ultimately reducing errors and increasing operational efficiency.


By eliminating manual errors, Odin AI cuts down the time spent on error correction by up to 83%. This automation:

  • Reduces the occurrence of invoice discrepancies by up to 65%.
  • Saves up to 25% of the total time typically spent on processing invoices.
  • Ensures a more reliable and efficient accounts payable workflow, preventing delays and improving overall productivity.
Screenshot of an Excel validation report showing invoice details, validation status, and errors detected by Odin AI.

#7 Scalable Processing Capabilities

Odin AI offers scalable processing capabilities that allow your business to handle a large volume of incoming invoices effortlessly. As businesses grow, the volume of invoices they must process increases exponentially, which can create significant bottlenecks if the system isn’t equipped to handle the load. Timely processing of supplier invoices is crucial to maintain good vendor relationships and smooth business operations. Traditional invoice processing methods often struggle with scalability, leading to delays and inefficiencies. Studies show that companies experiencing rapid growth can see invoice volumes increase by 35-55% annually. Odin AI’s AI-powered invoice processing is designed to scale with your business, ensuring that no matter how many invoices you need to process, the system can handle them efficiently without compromising on speed or accuracy.


With Odin AI’s scalable solutions, businesses can process up to 500% more invoices without increasing processing time. This capability:

  •  Reduces the risk of processing bottlenecks by up to 70%.
  • Increases the speed of invoice processing by up to 5x, even as the volume of invoices grows.

Ensures your accounts payable workflow remains efficient and effective, supporting business expansion without sacrificing speed or accuracy.

#8 Real-Time Invoice Status Tracking

Odin AI provides real-time invoice status tracking, allowing businesses to monitor the progress of their invoice processing cycle instantly. Traditionally, tracking the status of invoices involves multiple follow-ups and manual checks, which can consume a significant amount of time—up to 20-30% of the overall processing time in some cases. With Odin AI, all stakeholders can access up-to-date information on the status of invoices, reducing the need for time-consuming follow-up emails or calls.


By offering real-time updates on invoice status, Odin AI ensures that stakeholders are always informed, which can reduce the time spent on manual tracking by up to 68%. This capability:

  • Decreases follow-up time by up to 55%, ensuring quicker responses and actions.
  • Improves overall accounts payable workflow efficiency by up to 42%.
  • Enhances communication and transparency, leading to faster decision-making and smoother operations.
Detailed invoice view with itemized product descriptions, billing, and shipping information validated by Odin AI for accurate invoice processing.
Screenshot of an Excel sheet showing the success status of various steps in the invoice validation process performed by Odin AI, including order form download, total amount validation, billing, shipping, quote number, payment terms, and product lines.

#9 Enhanced Compliance and Audit Trails

Odin AI enhances the invoice processing cycle by automatically generating comprehensive audit trails and ensuring compliance with regulations. Traditionally, preparing for audits and ensuring regulatory compliance can be a time-consuming process, with businesses spending up to 25-35% of their time on manual compliance checks and audit preparations. Odin AI simplifies this by continuously monitoring and documenting every step of the invoice verification process, ensuring that all actions are compliant and easily traceable.


By automating compliance checks and audit trail generation, Odin AI reduces the time spent on these tasks by up to 72%. This capability:

  • Cuts audit prep time by up to 63%, ensuring timely compliance.
  • Achieves 98% accuracy in compliance reporting, lowering risk.
  • Frees up time for strategic initiatives, away from manual compliance tasks.

#10 24/7 Processing

Odin AI operates 24/7, ensuring that invoice processing continues even outside of traditional business hours. In a typical manual setup, invoices are only processed during the workday, which can lead to delays and a backlog, especially when dealing with high volumes. Studies show that businesses relying solely on daytime processing can experience up to 40% slower turnaround times. Odin AI eliminates this bottleneck by running its AI-powered invoice processing continuously, ensuring that invoices are processed immediately, regardless of the time of day.


By enabling 24/7 processing, Odin AI ensures your workflow remains uninterrupted, cutting processing times by up to 45%. This capability:

  • Boosts efficiency by up to 38% with round-the-clock processing.
  • Reduces backlog, ensuring a smoother accounts payable workflow.
  • Meets tight deadlines, improving cash flow regardless of workday constraints.
Screenshot of Odin AI's order form showing detailed address information for billing and shipping, including contact names and email addresses.

Process Your Invoices In Seconds, Not Days With End-To-End Automation

In the hustle and bustle of modern business, every minute and every dollar counts. Imagine a world where your billing team no longer drowns in tedious manual data entry, where invoice discrepancies and processing delays are a thing of the past. With Odin AI’s Invoice Validator, this dream becomes a reality.

Your team can now focus on what truly matters – driving innovation and growth, while we take care of the tedious, yet critical, invoice verification process

Because your team deserves more than just a job—they deserve a purpose.

Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your billing operations are in the best hands.

Empower your business with Odin AI – because every moment saved is a moment gained for growth and innovation.”

Have more questions?

Contact our sales team to learn more about how Odin AI can benefit your business.


Invoice processing automation saves time by eliminating manual data entry, reducing errors, speeding up approvals, and enabling 24/7 processing. Tools like Odin AI automate the entire invoice verification process, ensuring faster, more accurate results.

24/7 invoice processing allows your business to handle invoice processing continuously, even outside of traditional work hours. Odin AI operates around the clock, ensuring that invoices are processed immediately, reducing delays and backlogs.

AI minimizes manual errors by automating data extraction and validation. Odin AI uses machine learning to accurately capture and process invoice data, significantly reducing the risk of mistakes that typically occur with manual entry.

Real-time invoice status tracking keeps all stakeholders informed about the progress of invoices, reducing the need for manual follow-ups and ensuring quicker resolutions. Odin AI provides instant updates, making the entire accounts payable workflow more efficient.

Odin AI integrates seamlessly with your existing accounting and ERP systems, ensuring smooth data transfer and synchronization. This integration eliminates the need for manual data entry between platforms, saving time and reducing errors. Additionally, Odin AI enhances efficiency and accuracy in the invoice processing workflow by integrating with your accounts payable system, allowing for faster payments and improved cash management.

Batch processing allows you to process multiple invoices simultaneously, rather than one at a time. Odin AI enables this feature, significantly cutting down the time required to handle large volumes of invoices, making your invoice processing cycle more efficient.

Automated invoice approval uses pre-defined criteria to route invoices to the appropriate approvers without manual intervention. Odin AI streamlines this process, reducing bottlenecks and speeding up invoice approval automation.

Audit trails are crucial for maintaining compliance and ensuring transparency in the invoice processing cycle. Odin AI automatically generates audit trails, reducing the time spent on compliance checks and making audits easier to manage.

Yes, Odin AI is designed to scale with your business, processing large volumes of invoices efficiently. Its scalable processing capabilities ensure that your business can grow without being slowed down by invoice processing bottlenecks.

Odin AI enhances compliance by automatically generating audit trails and ensuring that all invoices meet regulatory standards. This automation reduces the time and effort needed for compliance checks, making the process smoother and more reliable.

Odin AI’s Invoice Validator can reduce invoice processing time from 4-6 hours per invoice to just 10-15 seconds, drastically enhancing productivity and efficiency.
