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Accounts Payable Automation For Financial Services

Transform your financial services with Odin AI's accounts payable automation for faster, accurate, and cost-effective processing.

Matt Saricicek AI Tools & Software | Matt Saricicek
September 10, 2024

Ever feel like managing accounts payable is a never-ending cycle of chasing invoices, correcting errors, and struggling with compliance? You’re not alone. Keeping up with the constant flow of transactions can become a full-time job by itself.

What if you could automate these tasks, ensuring accuracy and speed without the need for manual intervention? That’s where accounts payable automation steps in. 

Accounts payable automation is a game-changing solution that replaces manual processes with technology-driven workflows. It enables businesses to process invoices faster, reduce human error, and ensure compliance with industry regulations. 

Odin AI is at the forefront of this transformation, providing cutting-edge accounts payable automation solutions tailored specifically for the financial services industry. From cloud-based accounts payable automation to AI-powered invoice processing, Odin AI’s services help financial institutions optimize their operations, reduce costs, and drive greater efficiency in their accounts payable departments.

In this blog, you’ll learn how accounts payable automation can solve the inefficiencies faced by financial services and how Odin AI’s innovative accounts payable automation solutions are driving cost savings and compliance.

Ready to streamline your AP process? Reach out to us today!

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How Invoice Processing Automation Can Save Your Business Time

What is Accounts Payable Automation?

Odin AI Invoice Validator interface showing an example of an automated invoice with details and due date.

Accounts payable automation refers to the use of advanced technologies to streamline and automate the traditionally manual processes involved in handling invoices, payments, and approvals. This includes the capture, validation, and processing of invoice data, eliminating the need for repetitive manual tasks. By automating these tasks, businesses can significantly reduce errors, improve efficiency, and speed up the payment cycle.

Odin AI’s accounts payable automation solutions leverage cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA). These technologies allow financial institutions to automatically extract and validate data from invoices, match it to purchase orders, and approve payments without human intervention. Odin AI’s accounts payable automation solutions seamlessly integrate with your existing accounting system, ensuring smooth data flow and enhanced financial management. With AI-powered accounts payable automation, Odin AI ensures that financial services companies benefit from faster processing times, reduced manual errors, and improved compliance. This transformation enables businesses to focus on more strategic tasks rather than spending time on tedious manual data entry.

Let’s simplify your accounts payable—contact us now!

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Invoice Processing: From Manual to Automated Solutions

Manual Accounts Payable vs Automated Accounts Payable

Manual handling of accounts payable in the financial services industry comes with a range of inefficiencies that can disrupt business operations. From processing delays to human errors, the need for automation in accounts payable is evident. Below is a comparison table highlighting the challenges financial services face when relying on manual accounts payable processes.

Challenges Manual Accounts Payable Automated Accounts Payable (With Odin AI)

Invoice Processing Time

12-15 days

2-4 days

Error Rate



Compliance Issues

25 issues annually

5 issues annually

Processing Costs

$18-$22 per invoice

$3-$5 per invoice

Duplicate Payments


Less than 1%

Audit Preparation

45-60 days

2 days

Payment Errors

20% require correction

Less than 3%

Approval Delays

5-7 days

Less than 1 day

Invoice Volume Limit



Lost Invoices

12% misplaced

0% with automation

Human Intervention



How Does Odin AI’s Accounts Payable Automation System Work?

Odin AI’s accounts payable software streamlines the entire accounts payable process using advanced technologies like AI and robotic process automation (RPA). Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how the system works:

  • Invoice Capture and Data Extraction

    When an invoice is received, Odin AI’s system automatically captures the data using optical character recognition (OCR) technology. The system extracts key information such as invoice numbers, payment terms, and line items. This eliminates manual data entry, speeding up the process and reducing errors.

Odin AI interface demonstrating automated invoice data capture and validation, highlighting purchase order details such as number, date, buyer name, contact name, due date, delivery address, billing address, total amount, and currency.
  • Data Validation

    Once the invoice data is extracted, Odin AI’s AI-powered accounts payable automation validates the information by cross-referencing it with purchase orders and contracts. The system ensures that the invoice details are accurate and meet the required compliance standards.

Invoice detailing line item descriptions, part numbers, quantities, need-by dates, unit prices, and amounts, showcasing Odin AI's invoice validation process.
Invoice detailing line item descriptions, part numbers, quantities, need-by dates, unit prices, and amounts, showcasing Odin AI's invoice validation process.
  • Approval Workflow Automation

    Odin AI’s accounts payable workflow automation automatically routes the validated invoice to the appropriate approvers based on predefined rules. This step eliminates bottlenecks and manual follow-ups, ensuring that invoices move through the approval process quickly.

  • Invoice Matching

    The system performs a 3-way match by comparing the invoice, purchase order, and receipt of goods or services. This ensures that the invoice amount is correct and that the goods or services were received as expected. If everything matches, the invoice is approved for payment.

Email containing an attached invoice document with details such as invoice number, due date, and payment instructions, showcasing Odin AI's invoice validation and automation process.
Detailed invoice view with itemized product descriptions, billing, and shipping information validated by Odin AI for accurate invoice processing.
Screenshot of an Excel sheet showing the success status of various steps in the invoice validation process performed by Odin AI, including order form download, total amount validation, billing, shipping, quote number, payment terms, and product lines.
  • Detection of Mismatch
    Odin identifies mismatches, for instance, discrepancies in the PO shipping address. The system meticulously checks each data point, such as addresses, invoice numbers, payment terms, and line items, to detect any inconsistencies. When a mismatch is found, the system flags the specific data point that does not align with the expected values.
Screenshot of Odin AI's order form showing detailed address information for billing and shipping, including contact names and email addresses.
Screenshot of Odin AI's purchase order showing item descriptions, quantities, and amounts with clear address and payment terms information.
Screenshot of an Excel validation report showing invoice details, validation status, and errors detected by Odin AI.


  • Payment Scheduling and Processing

    Once the invoice is approved, Odin AI’s accounts payable automation schedules payments based on the terms specified in the contract. The system ensures timely payments, improving vendor relationships and preventing late fees.

  • Real-Time Reporting and Visibility

    Odin AI’s system provides real-time reporting, giving financial services teams full visibility into the status of invoices and payments. This ensures that decision-makers have the data they need to manage cash flow and maintain compliance.

  • Audit and Compliance

    Every step of the accounts payable process is tracked and recorded, creating a complete audit trail. Odin AI’s accounts payable automation solutions ensure that all processes are compliant with industry regulations, making it easier to prepare for audits and maintain financial transparency.

Have questions about AP automation? We’re here to help—contact us!

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Key Features of Accounts Payable Process Automation

Accounts payable automation offers a range of features specifically designed to address the unique needs of the AP department in financial services. These features help organizations manage large volumes of transactions with ease, ensuring accuracy, compliance, and efficiency. Odin AI’s accounts payable automation solutions are built to streamline every step of the accounts payable process, reducing manual work and enhancing productivity.

  • AI-Powered Invoice Processing
    Odin AI’s system uses AI to intelligently capture and validate invoice data, ensuring quick and accurate processing. By automating data extraction from invoices, the system reduces the risk of human error and eliminates manual data entry.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
    With robotic process automation in accounts payable, financial services can automate repetitive tasks such as matching invoices to purchase orders and verifying payment terms. This ensures faster, error-free processing and improves overall operational efficiency.
  • Accounts Payable Workflow Automation
    Odin AI enables accounts payable workflow automation, allowing financial institutions to set up automated approval processes. This ensures that invoices are routed to the right stakeholders for approval, drastically reducing delays and manual follow-ups.
  • Real-Time Visibility and Reporting
    One of the key features of Odin AI’s accounts payable automation is real-time access to financial data. Financial services can easily monitor the status of invoices and payments, improving cash flow management and offering clear insights for decision-making.
  • Integration Capabilities
    Odin AI’s solutions seamlessly integrate with your existing ERP or accounting system, ensuring that businesses can implement accounts payable automation without disrupting their current operations.
  • Cloud-Based Accounts Payable Automation
    Odin AI provides cloud-based accounts payable automation, offering enhanced accessibility and security. Financial services can access the system from anywhere, ensuring that processes continue smoothly without any location constraints.
  • Compliance and Audit Readiness
    With automated tracking and digital records, Odin AI ensures that all processes are compliant with industry regulations. Accounts payable automation also provides a clear audit trail, making it easier to prepare for audits and maintain financial transparency.

Ready for hassle-free AP? Let’s talk!

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How On-Prem Deployment Can Uplift Your Business

Case Study: How Odin AI Transformed Accounts Payable for a Financial Services Firm

S******* was facing inefficiencies in their accounts payable process, leading to payment delays and high error rates. They partnered with Odin AI to automate their AP automation system and resolve these issues. By implementing Odin AI’s AP automation software, the firm was able to streamline their accounts payable processes and achieve significant improvements in efficiency and accuracy.

Challenges Solved
  • Invoice Processing Delays: It took 15 days on average to process an invoice.
  • High Error Rate: 21% of invoices required reprocessing due to manual errors.
  • Duplicate Payments: 9% of payments were duplicates, causing cash flow issues.
  • Limited Visibility: The firm struggled with real-time tracking and reporting.

Odin AI’s AI-powered accounts payable automation solution automated invoice processing, validation, and approvals, addressing these challenges.

  • Invoice Processing Time Reduced by 76%: Cut from 15 days to 4 days.
  • Error Rate Reduced to 3%: A significant drop from 21%.
  • Cost Savings of 62%: Invoice processing costs decreased from $18 per invoice to $7 per invoice.
  • Duplicate Payments Nearly Eliminated: Reduced to less than 1%, saving $470,000 annually.
  • Vendor Disputes Reduced by 83%: With real-time reporting and improved transparency.

Odin AI’s accounts payable automation solutions delivered faster processing, cost savings, and improved accuracy for the financial services firm.

Start your automation journey with us—drop us a message!

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Implementation Tips for Seamlessly Adopting Odin AI’s Accounts Payable Services

For financial services companies, successfully implementing Odin AI’s accounts payable automation requires careful planning and execution. Below are key tips to ensure a smooth transition to an automated accounts payable system.

  • Start with a Pilot Program
    Begin by automating a small portion of your accounts payable process, such as invoice matching or approval workflows. This allows your team to understand how accounts payable automation will work before rolling it out across the entire department. Odin AI’s accounts payable automation solutions make it easy to scale once the pilot is successful.
  • Ensure System Integration
    Seamless integration with your existing ERP or financial systems is crucial for successful automation. Odin AI provides a comprehensive AP automation solution that ensures seamless integration with your existing financial systems, reducing manual data entry and improving overall efficiency. This reduces manual data entry and improves overall efficiency.
  • Employee Training and Support
    Invest in training your team to fully understand how to use Odin AI’s accounts payable automation tools. This will help employees feel confident about using the system and reduce resistance to change. Regular training sessions and on-demand support can accelerate the learning curve and ensure successful adoption.
  • Set Up Custom Workflows
    Take advantage of Odin AI’s accounts payable workflow automation by customizing the workflows to fit your company’s specific approval processes. Automating approvals based on roles and thresholds can reduce delays and ensure invoices move through the system efficiently.
  • Monitor Performance Metrics
    Once implemented, track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as processing times, error rates, and cost savings. Odin AI’s real-time reporting features provide visibility into these metrics, helping you assess the impact of the accounts payable automation solution and make adjustments where needed.
  • Engage Stakeholders Early
    To ensure smooth adoption, involve key stakeholders—such as finance teams, IT, and compliance officers—early in the implementation process. Their input will help tailor the accounts payable automation system to meet the specific needs of your business and address any concerns.

Need help with AP automation? Contact us today!

Recommended Reading
AI in Finance: Which Processes to Automate and Which to Leave Alone

Odin Can Do It All For You

Odin's Invoice processing automation

We step into your business with a commitment to deeply understand your unique accounts payable needs. Our team works closely with you to design and implement an accounts payable automation solution that integrates seamlessly with your existing systems—whether on-premise or in the cloud. With Odin AI, you gain a partner dedicated to securing your processes and driving operational excellence.

Our AI-powered accounts payable automation is designed to streamline your processes, reduce costs, and eliminate human errors. With real-time visibility and automated workflows, your team will finally experience the ease and efficiency they deserve.

Don’t let manual tasks hold your business back. Reach out to Odin AI today, and let us help you create a future where your accounts payable processes run smoothly, efficiently, and error-free. 

Because your business deserves more than just good enough—it deserves the best.

Have more questions?

Contact our sales team to learn more about how Odin AI can benefit your business.


Accounts payable automation refers to using advanced technologies like AI and robotic process automation (RPA) to streamline and automate the manual tasks involved in processing invoices, approving payments, and managing vendor relationships. Odin AI’s accounts payable automation solutions enhance accuracy, reduce errors, and speed up payment processes.

Accounts payable automation improves efficiency by reducing processing time and eliminating errors. It also enhances compliance, provides real-time reporting, and cuts down operational costs. Odin AI’s accounts payable automation solutions are tailored to meet the needs of financial services companies.

Key features include AI-powered invoice processing, workflow automation, and real-time reporting. Odin AI’s accounts payable automation technology integrates with existing systems to streamline processes, ensuring faster approvals and improved visibility.

Odin AI automates the entire accounts payable process by using AI and RPA to capture, validate, and approve invoices. This reduces manual errors, speeds up payments, and ensures compliance with financial regulations.

Yes, accounts payable automation benefits small businesses by saving time, reducing errors, and cutting operational costs. Odin AI offers accounts payable automation solutions that are scalable and designed to meet the needs of growing businesses.

