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Collaboration announcement between Odin AI and OpenAI featuring ChatGPT-4o mini.

GPT- 4o mini Is Now Available On Odin AI

Transform workflows with GPT-4o Mini on Odin AI. Automate tasks, enhance customer support, and manage data efficiently.

Sarvesh CK AI News and Updates | Sarvesh CK
July 22, 2024

Odin AI has integrated GPT-4o mini on its platform, bringing the powerful capabilities of this advanced model to its users. This integration allows users to utilize the impressive features of GPT-4o mini alongside the robust functionalities of Odin AI, enhancing the overall user experience.

OpenAI has always been committed to making artificial intelligence as broadly accessible as possible. In line with this mission, OpenAI recently announced the release of GPT-4o mini, a highly cost-efficient and powerful small model. This new model is set to significantly expand the range of applications that can be built with AI, thanks to its advanced capabilities. Various OpenAI models, such as GPT models, DALL-E 2, Whisper, and Moderation, offer diverse functionalities for different use cases.

GPT-4o mini is the latest model of one of the advanced AI models developed by OpenAI, highlighting its capabilities in providing efficient and powerful AI solutions.

With GPT-4o mini integrated into Odin AI, users can now leverage this advanced model to power their AI applications, benefiting from the combined strengths of both platforms.

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What is GPT-4o Mini?

GPT-4o mini is a capable model that represents a significant advancement in the AI landscape. As a large multimodal model, it can handle both text and image inputs, scoring 82% on the MMLU benchmark and outperforming other models like GPT-4 on the LMSYS leaderboard. This model is designed to enable a broad range of tasks with its low cost and latency, making AI more accessible and practical for a variety of applications.

Key Features and Applications of GPT-4o Mini

GPT-4o mini is engineered to handle a wide range of tasks with,

  • Low Cost and Latency
    Designed to perform efficiently at a lower cost, making advanced AI accessible.

  • Chaining or Parallelizing Model Calls
    Ideal for applications requiring multiple function calling.

  • Handling Large Volumes of Context
    Capable of processing extensive data such as full code bases or conversation histories.

  • Real-Time Text Responses
    Provides quick and efficient AI responses, perfect for customer support chatbots.

  • Versatility
    Suitable for use cases where fast and effective AI interactions are crucial, enhancing overall user experience.

This makes GPT-4o mini ideal for use cases where quick and efficient AI responses are crucial.

Currently, GPT-4o mini supports text and vision in the API, with future updates set to include support for text, image, video, and audio inputs and outputs. The model features a context window of 128K tokens and can support up to 16K output tokens per request. 

Additionally, with knowledge up to October 2023 and an improved tokenizer shared with GPT-4o, it is now even more cost-effective to handle non-English text.

Priced at just 15 cents per million input tokens and 60 cents per million output tokens, GPT-4o mini is significantly more affordable than previous frontier models and over 60% cheaper than GPT- 4 and GPT-3.5 Turbo.

Sign up and see the difference with GPT-4o Mini

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“OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4o Integration with Odin AI: Exploring the Latest AI Advancements”

Performance and Benchmarks

GPT-4o mini demonstrates superior performance across various benchmarks, surpassing GPT-3.5 Turbo and other small models in both textual intelligence and multimodal reasoning. It is also a capable embedding model, performing well in various embedding tasks.


Benchmark GPT-4o Mini GPT-3.5 Turbo Gemini Flash Claude Haiku
Textual Intelligence and Reasoning (MMLU)





Mathematical Reasoning (MGSM)





Coding Performance (HumanEval)





Coding Performance (HumanEval)





Multimodal Reasoning (MMMU)





Textual Intelligence and Multimodal Reasoning
  • GPT-4o mini surpasses GPT-3.5 Turbo on academic benchmarks, demonstrating exceptional textual intelligence and multimodal reasoning capabilities.

  • The model supports the same range of languages as GPT-4o and shows improved performance in function calling, enabling developers to create applications that fetch data or take actions with external systems.
Reasoning Tasks
  • GPT-4o mini excels in reasoning tasks involving both text and vision, scoring 82.0% on MMLU, a benchmark for textual intelligence and reasoning, compared to 77.9% for Gemini Flash and 73.8% for Claude Haiku.
Math and Coding Proficiency
  • GPT-4o mini outperforms previous small models in mathematical reasoning and coding tasks. On the MGSM benchmark, which measures math reasoning, GPT-4o mini scored 87.0%, compared to 75.5% for Gemini Flash and 71.7% for Claude Haiku.

  • In coding performance, as measured by HumanEval, GPT-4o mini scored 87.2%, significantly higher than the 71.5% for Gemini Flash and 75.9% for Claude Haiku.
Multimodal Reasoning
  • GPT-4o mini shows strong performance on the MMMU benchmark, a multimodal reasoning evaluation, scoring 59.4% compared to 56.1% for Gemini Flash and 50.2% for Claude Haiku.

Upgrade to GPT-4o Mini with Odin AI now!

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Odin AI Integration with GPT-4o Mini: The Ultimate Power Couple

Odin AI’s integration with GPT-4o mini is a game-changer, combining the strengths of both platforms to enhance their capabilities and deliver superior AI solutions. GPT-4o mini includes a capable embedding model, enhancing multi-language retrieval and performance. Odin AI can leverage a fine-tuned version of GPT-4o mini to enhance its core features and deliver superior AI solutions. This integration supports image inputs, enhancing the multimodal capabilities of Odin AI. This integration significantly boosts the efficiency and effectiveness of Odin AI’s core features, making it the ideal choice for businesses seeking advanced AI functionalities and seamless automation.

Try GPT-4o Mini on Odin AI today!
Odin AI Agent Builder interface with GPT-4o Mini selected as the AI model for creating agents.

How GPT-4o Mini Enhances Odin AI Features

Task Automation
  • Odin AI automates repetitive tasks such as data entry, scheduling, and call routing, which pairs well with the low latency and high efficiency of GPT-4o mini.

  • Supports efficient chaining and parallelizing of multiple model calls, ensuring tasks are completed faster and more accurately.

  • Fine-tuning allows GPT-4o mini to be customized for specific tasks, improving efficiency and accuracy.
Conversational AI
  • GPT-4o mini significantly improves Conversational AI, offering more natural, coherent, and contextually accurate dialogues.

  • Supports multiple languages, making customer interactions more inclusive and effective, leveraging its improved tokenizer for handling non-English languages.
Knowledge Base
  • Odin AI’s robust data handling capabilities, including extracting and processing information from various sources, are complemented by GPT-4o mini’s ability to handle large volumes of context and provide accurate outputs.

  • Provides accurate outputs, improving data management and decision-making processes.
Custom Chatbots
  • Odin AI’s no-code chatbot builder can leverage GPT-4o mini to provide enhanced customer support with real-time responses and advanced natural language processing.

  • Supports multimodal inputs, including text or image inputs, enhancing the overall user experience.
Meeting Notetaker
  • GPT-4o mini enhances the Meeting Notetaker by accurately transcribing meetings, identifying speakers, and providing detailed action items from meetings.

  • Provides detailed action items and highlights, ensuring that no critical information is overlooked and facilitating better follow-up and task management.

Try Odin AI’s powerful automation features!

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“Odin AI Task Automator Guide: Simplifying Multi AI Agent Workflows”

Safety and Reliability

GPT-4o mini incorporates robust built-in safety measures, ensuring reliable and secure AI interactions for enterprise users. Safety is embedded from the initial stages of development and reinforced through continuous processes.

  • Pre-Training Filtering
    The model filters out undesirable content such as hate speech, adult material, and spam, ensuring it does not learn or replicate such information. Additionally, moderation models are used to check content compliance with usage policies, ensuring safe and reliable AI interactions.

  • Post-Training Alignment
    Using reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF), the model’s behavior is aligned with OpenAI’s policies, enhancing accuracy and reliability.

GPT-4o mini inherits the same safety mitigations as GPT-4o, undergoing thorough assessments by over 70 external experts in fields like social psychology and misinformation. This comprehensive evaluation has helped address potential risks, and the findings will be detailed in the upcoming GPT-4o system card and Preparedness scorecard.

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Advanced Safety Techniques

  • Instruction Hierarchy Method
    GPT-4o mini is the first model to apply this method, improving resistance to jailbreaks, prompt injections, and system prompt extractions.


  • Continuous Monitoring and Improvement
    Ongoing monitoring and updates ensure the model remains safe and effective as new risks are identified.

These safety measures make GPT-4o mini a reliable and secure option for various applications, ensuring trustworthy AI interactions and compliance with ethical standards.

Start automating your tasks with Odin AI.

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“How Odin AI is Changing the Customer Service Dynamics of Call Center Operations?”

Embrace the Future with GPT-4o Mini on Odin AI

Odin AI envision a future where AI models like GPT-4o mini are seamlessly integrated into every app and website. This integration aims to empower developers to build and scale powerful AI applications more efficiently and affordably. The goal is to embed AI deeply into our daily digital experiences, making it more accessible, reliable, and useful.

The integration of GPT-4o mini with Odin AI represents a significant advancement in the AI landscape. This collaboration is expected to transform how businesses and individuals use AI, making it an integral part of their operations and digital experiences. The future looks promising with AI becoming more embedded in our lives, driving innovation and efficiency.

In the grand tapestry of innovation, let AI be the thread that weaves your success.

Have more questions?

Contact our sales team to learn more about how Odin AI can benefit your business.


GPT-4o is a state-of-the-art AI language model developed by OpenAI. It excels in various tasks including natural language understanding, text generation, and multimodal reasoning, offering advanced capabilities for a wide range of applications.

GPT-4o Mini is a more cost-efficient and streamlined version of GPT-4o. It maintains high performance in textual intelligence and multimodal reasoning, making it suitable for numerous applications while being more affordable.

To access GPT-4o Mini on Odin AI, you can sign up to Odin AI’s.  Create your own AI Agent with GPT 4o Mini and chat with it via Odin’s Conversational AI.

GPT-4o Mini is not entirely free. However, Odin AI offers a 14 day trial that includes limited access to GPT-4o Mini features. For more comprehensive access, you will need to subscribe to one of the paid plans.

To get GPT-4o Mini on Odin AI, visit the Odin AI website, choose a suitable subscription plan, and sign up. Once registered, you can start integrating GPT-4o Mini into your workflows and applications.

GPT-4o Mini is already available on Odin AI. You can access it by subscribing to one of their plans.

You can try GPT-4o Mini by signing up for free trial on Odin AI, which provides basic access to its features. For a more extensive trial, consider subscribing to a higher-tier plan.

Currently, GPT-4o Mini supports text and vision in the API, with future updates expected to include image, video, and audio inputs and outputs. This makes it a versatile tool for multimodal applications.

Chat GPT-4o Mini can perform a variety of tasks, including real-time text responses, customer support, data processing, and providing detailed action items from meetings. It leverages advanced natural language processing to offer precise and contextually accurate interactions.

GPT-4o Mini offers improved performance, higher accuracy in textual intelligence and multimodal reasoning, and more efficient processing capabilities compared to GPT-3.5 Turbo. It also provides cost savings and supports a broader range of applications.

GPT-4o Mini can be used for a variety of tasks including real-time customer support, data entry automation, large-scale data management, creating custom chatbots, and accurate meeting transcriptions.

  • Yes, GPT-4o Mini can be fine-tuned and customized for specific tasks and applications, enhancing its performance for particular use cases.

Industries such as customer service, healthcare, education, finance, and technology benefit significantly from GPT-4o Mini's capabilities, especially in automating workflows, managing data, and enhancing customer interactions.

GPT-4o Mini incorporates built-in safety measures, such as filtering out undesirable content during pre-training and aligning model behavior with OpenAI's policies using reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF). This ensures data privacy and security.

Yes, Odin AI offers technical support for users of GPT-4o Mini, including a designated support manager for enterprise users and comprehensive online resources for all plans.

GPT-4o Mini has a context window of 128K tokens, which allows it to handle extensive data inputs and long conversations effectively.

Yes, GPT-4o Mini is designed for real-time applications, offering low latency and high efficiency, making it ideal for customer support chatbots and other real-time interaction tools.

Future updates for GPT-4o Mini are expected to include support for image, video, and audio inputs and outputs, expanding its multimodal capabilities and enhancing its versatility for various applications.

GPT-4o Mini can be integrated with existing systems using APIs provided by Odin AI. Detailed documentation and support are available to guide the integration process.
